Error on Visa Lottery Page Continue

  • #5

It's not unusual for glitches to happen in high traffic periods.

  • #12

This is the first year I am having trouble submitting my entry! Entering from Australia. I tried both Chrome (which I used with no problems in previous years) and Firefox for the actual entry, without success!

I had the photo cropped using the official tool - for this I used Firefox successfully as in previous years, as Chrome does not open it but wants to download a file.

So with the photo(s) ready, I was able to enter all details and upload the photo on page one successfully, but using


did not allow me to proceed to page two for my spouse details, instead an error message is shown by the browser.



, I was able to proceed to page two, enter all the details incl. spouse details, upload her photo successfully, as well - but then, clicking the final submit button just resulted in a similar error message.

How can I know if my second try has in fact transmitted my details as a successful entry on their server, just that the confirmation details were either not retrieved or just not displayed by Firefox?! On and Twitter other people are reporting similar issues.

If I try again and it submits successfully, how do I know if that will not count as a duplicate entry?

Step2 Submission Firefox Error.png

  • #14

Many people have/had the same issue . Give the page some minutes or hours and try again . As long as you don't get the confirmation page , your entry is not yet submitted , and it's not a multiple entry .

Thanks for reassuring me. I am not familiar with this error message, I'm just worried that their server might have in fact sent the confirmation data as the error message states that "the authenticity of the received data could not be verified" - which I interpreted as meaning: The confirmation details were sent by their server but not allowed to be displayed by the browser. Hope you are right, though.

  • #15

@OnTheGo , have you tried explorer? USCIS seems to work better with it, in general.

  • #16

@OnTheGo , have you tried explorer? USCIS seems to work better with it, in general.

Not yet, that would be the next thing I was going to try. But I am afraid that it might count as a duplicate entry, as nobody seems to be able to confirm that my entry was definitively NOT received. What does that error message really indicate, i.e. that confirmation details were sent but not processed and displayed by the browser, or that my entry data was not received at THEIR end?

  • #18

Wow, this is insane this year....I have just tried Internet Explorer 11, and it fails, too on submitting the entry, i.e. page 1+2 completed, photos uploaded and accepted, and then on submitting the entry....this!

So I have now tried Chrome, Firefox and IE.


  • #19

The error indicates that your entry data was not received at their end . So to say , the connection cuts between the " submit page " and the " confirmation page " . My wife and I submitted mine using Microsoft edge . Also other friends submitted theirs using Edge . But none of us had the confirmation at first try . We all needed to do it a few times . It's not a real issue , but you have to be patience and try many times .

Thank you! I just downloaded Edge and it worked flawlessly! :)

EDIT: Damn! I had worked for me, but not on my wife's entry! Will try again another time.

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